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Olga Brylińska Image Consultant – Author and Founder of Ethereal Typology | Online Personal Stylist
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Olga Brylińska - Image Consultant & Professional Stylist STYLE REVOLUTION Work with me Olga Brylińska - Image Consultant
& Professional Stylist
ETHEREAL TYPOLOGY by Olga Brylińska WHAT ARE ETHEREALS? What are ethereals?
The foundation of my professional practice is to equip you with tools and knowledge that will allow you to emphasize your beauty strengths. I help you find a style that harmonizes with your body’s natural lines, facial features, and aura. No more pretending, lack of authenticity, or hiding—just you.



















French Chic




I've always had a relatively good intuition. However, only after a complete analysis can I see what a difference it makes to have a feeling that works in 80% and the knowledge that works in 99%. I am no longer tempted to get a fringe or dye my hair black because "maybe I would look better." Now I know that I wouldn't, I also know what serves me best, and I stick to it. This feeling of peace is priceless because the knowledge I gained from exchanging emails with Greta will last a lifetime.


Very comfortable

First of all, I feel very comfortable with the result; that is, I can see how much it suits me and how much it defines me. And how all the comments I received during the exchange of emails are accurate. I did not understand why I felt strange and looked as if disguised wearing clothes in which my friends look fabulous. And I was wondering what I was doing wrong. The analysis hasn't changed the way things are (I was hoping to find out "what I'm doing wrong" and some magical way to change it), but now I am much more comfortable with it and understand how to bring out my own strengths in my own way.


Increased confidence

I wholeheartedly recommend working with Olga, she is a professional. I think it is the best gift I could give myself. Thank you for your excellent cooperation and support, my confidence has increased, and I feel happier and full of energy.


Brilliant intuition

I had an analysis quite recently. And I must admit that Olga is a professional person with brilliant intuition and great advice. Her talent is enviable. I could not characterize myself, assess myself. I waited for the results with great curiosity. And I will say it was worth it. I recommend everyone to get an analysis with Olga, you will be charmed. :))) Thank you, Olga!!!!


Just the beginning

Olga is a real pearl in the sea of copying and conventional stylists. She will see beauty where no one can see it... She will make your every feature an asset. With her, we stop disguising at all costs and start discovering. For me, this is just the beginning of a conscious adventure, I recommend it with all my heart to everyone, do not hesitate for a moment 🙂


Image Consultant & Professional Stylist

Olga Brylińska

Founder of Ethereal Typology & promoter of fashion and lifestyle inspired by nature 

I adopted a completely innovative program of a comprehensive approach to image creation. Based on the physiognomic and color type analysis and modern techniques, I determine the type of beauty and personality potential. In my individual practice, I use the Ethereal Typology developed by me and the typology of thirteen types of beauty popularized by David Kibbe.

About me
Creative Studio

Unique tools

Ethereal Typology, Kibbe Typology, color analysis

I am one of the few stylists working with the typology I created. Ethereals are my greatest pride. My other accomplishment is refreshing and modernizing the Kibbe typology and classic color analysis. I am fortunate that I can implement such fantastic tools. Hundreds of my satisfied clients can attest to that – it just works.

Work with me



Selecting the correct answers provides a clear outline of how your style will work.

The Minimalist Style Patent (MPS for short) is the foundation for building a personalized wardrobe.

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